The 4-7-8 breathing method aims to use controlled breathing to aid relaxation.
None of these techniques can guarantee that a person will fall asleep within 2 minutes. While various online blogs and forums reference it, studies are necessary to prove it is a reliable method for falling asleep within 10 seconds.īreathing techniques and progressive muscle relaxation may help people to fall asleep. It is important to note that no research supports the effectiveness of this method. You should fall asleep within 10 seconds of performing step 6.If it is not possible to visualize either scene, repeat the mantra, “don’t think.” Picture a relaxing scene, such as floating in a boat watching blue skies, or lying in a black hammock surrounded by soothing darkness.Allow the mind to clear, letting thoughts come and go without dwelling on them or passing judgment.Inhale and exhale at a normal pace while relaxing the chest.Drop your shoulders toward the ground and allow the arms to dangle loosely by your sides.Briefly tighten then relax the facial muscles.The full military method takes 2 minutes, but the final 10 seconds are the key to falling asleep:
The 1981 book Relax and win: Championship performance by Lloyd Winter gave it some popularity. However, the final stages of the military method might help people achieve this.
No method can guarantee that a person will fall asleep in 10 seconds. Share on Pinterest Several techniques can help people fall asleep faster.